LendPal is a FREE Loan Tracking App. Have you ever lost track of your loans with your Friends, Family & Roommates (Lent or Borrowed)? No more worries, LendPal is here. You will never loose track of your loans again. LendPal takes care of tracking all your loans whether lent or borrowed at one place. You can even add an Interest to your Loans.
This download is completely secure. TILICHO LABS LLP is the developer of the app that can be found in the Tools category. According to the latest data, LendPal is rated 3.8 on Google Play.
Over 1K users downloaded this application and the latest update was released on Oct 26, 2019. Download the free setup package of LendPal 1.9 and read users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app can be launched on Android devices 4.4 and higher.
As users mention, the strong side of LendPal is a nice UI.