MSS Converter allows to make conversions between many units. Supported units are currencies (with automatic update of rates), lengths, areas, volumes, masses, speeds, temperatures, pressures, times, angles, energies, powers, radiations, forces, angular speeds (and frequencies), computer units, viscosities, luminosity units, magnetism, torques, flow rates and fuel consumption.
Download the installer of MSS Converter 1.22 free of charge and read users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app works flawlessly on Android 2.3 and higher. This application is totally secure for downloading. MSS Converter has been originally created by Philippe Mignard and it refers to the Tools category.
Over 5K users installed the app and its most recent update was released on Oct 15, 2020. On Google Play, this application has been rated 4.6 by its users.