Notification Listener

Notification Listener

3.4 MB
Requires Android:
4.4 and up
Sep 21, 2019
Latest version:
Free Download

Only standard Android notification can be read, so it can happen that for some apps only some variables are filled. Notification Listener is a simple Tasker plug-in to read notification of other apps. You can: 1) create event to intercept notifications; 2) delete all or some notifications; 3) perform query on notification db; 4) Show ticker;

The security report has shown that this application is totally safe. The app is created by Marco Stornelli and its category is Tools. The average rating for Notification Listener is 4.2 on Google Play.

The most recent update was on Sep 21, 2019 and this application was downloaded and set up by over 50K users. The app is often downloaded by Blu and Asus users. Get the .apk installer of Notification Listener 3.6.0 for free and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. This installation package occupies 209 KB of disk space and it works flawlessly on Android 4.4 and higher.

As users mention, the considerable plus of the app is great support.

Permissions required by Notification Listener v. 3.6.0

Commonly used:
  • Prevent device from going to sleep


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