Phone Tester (hardware info)

Phone Tester (hardware info)

11 MB
Requires Android:
4.0 and up
Jan 28, 2019
Latest version:
Can't be downloaded. Obtain with certain hardware

Do you have a new smartphone? Wanna know its capabilities? Wanna compare it with your old phone or with another device? Phone Tester is a free app that allows you to analyze and test your device's hardware, sensors and components, to make sure everything is operating correctly. You'll be able to test the following: SENSORS.

Miguel Torres is the developer of this application that relates to the Tools category. The app was downloaded and set up by over 1M users and the latest stable release was on Jan 28, 2019. Google Play shows that Phone Tester is rated 4.3 by its users.

Keep in mind adverts and in-app purchases while launching this application. The app is very popular among Samsung and LG users. Download the free .apk setup package of Phone Tester 2.0.13 and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The installation package takes up 2 MB on disk and it runs on Android devices 4.0 and higher.

The app was checked for viruses and it was found 100% secure.

Some users find that you can benefit from the strong sides of this application that are a simple user interface and additional functionality. Users write reviews saying that you can notice full page ads among the disadvantages of Phone Tester .


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