Screen On Toggler

Screen On Toggler

275.07 KB
Requires Android:
1.6 and up
May 26, 2014
Latest version:
All versions
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Screen On Toggler is basically a replacement tool for the default search button on your android phone when you long press it. It allows you to quickly toggle your screen's timeout from always ON to your screen timeout's setting and vice versa. Once installed, press and hold the search button on your android phone and a dialog will appear.

The app was scanned for viruses and it was found 100% safe. Screen On Toggler is designed by Malcolm Lim and its category is Tools. The latest update of the app was launched on May 26, 2014 and this application was downloaded by over 50K users.

The average user rating of Screen On Toggler is 4.5. There are advertisements in this application. The app is often downloaded by Samsung and Wiko users.

Get the free .apk file of Screen On Toggler 1.62 and take a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The installation package takes up 275 KB of disk space and it can be launched on Android devices 1.6 and higher.

Some users have noticed that the plus of the app is a simple interface.

Permissions required by Screen On Toggler v. 1.62

Commonly used:
  • Alter system settings


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