Signature Maker provides you easy way to create your own Signature in couple of seconds. You can Sign your Photo, Image or selfie and share on Social media or Store in SD-Card. Create your Own Signature very smoothly i. E. (Digital Sign, E Signature, Signature Creator, Sign Maker) Use at your document i. E. Doc, PDF, Images, and other files.
Download the setup package of Signature Maker 1.0.1 at no cost and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app works flawlessly on Android 3.2 and above. It's safe to download this application. Soft Informative Technology is the creator of Signature Maker which can be found in the Tools category.
The app was downloaded and installed by over 50K users and its most recent stable release was on Nov 19, 2015. According to the latest data, this application is rated 3.3 on Google Play. There are adverts in Signature Maker.
Users write reviews saying that the app possesses such a drawback as too many ads.