Simple thermometer is a little tool which can quickly show you ambient temperature in Fahrenheit and Celsius. Just open the app and check current temp. It's so simple! This is the simplest and most accurate thermometer available for free!
According to the antivirus report, Simple thermometer doesn't contain viruses or any kind of malware. This application is created by MakeFun and its category is Tools. The app was downloaded and installed by over 100K users and its latest stable release was on Jul 20, 2017.
According to the latest info, Simple thermometer is rated 2.5 on Google Play. Advertisements are a part of this application. Get the .apk installation package of Simple thermometer 4.0 for free and check out users' reviews on Droid Informer. You will need 2 MB to set up the app that is designed for Android 2.3 and higher.
Some users take the view that the app features such a disadvantage as many advertisements.