Wave to Unlock and Lock

Wave to Unlock and Lock

3.7 MB
Requires Android:
5.0 and up
Sep 29, 2020

Do not support Xiaomi Redmi 3S. Wave Lock is the app use proximity sensor to lock and unlock the screen by way wave your hand over the proximity sensor. Protect power button on your phone. The app makes error fingerprint so you should turn off fingerprint before using this app.

According to the antivirus report, the app is safe and secure. Kimcy929 is the developer of Wave to Unlock and Lock that can be found in the Tools category. Over 1M users set up this application and the most recent update was launched on Sep 29, 2020.

On Google Play, the app was rated 3.8 by its users. There are in-app purchases and adverts in Wave to Unlock and Lock. Samsung and Gionee users recommend this application.

Get the .apk installation package of Wave to Unlock and Lock that is free and check out users' reviews on Droid Informer. The file size is 2 MB and the app is developed for Android 5.0 and higher.

Some users have paid attention that there are some advantages, they are an awesome UI, great functionality, awesome performance, automatic updates and low battery consumption. According to the users’ reviews, you can find such drawbacks of the app as stability issues and intrusive ads.

Permissions required by Wave to Unlock and Lock v.

Those that potentially access the user's/ your sensitive information:
  • Access phone state without changing it
  • Manage outgoing calls
Commonly used:
  • Access the current list of running apps
  • Prevent device from going to sleep


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