If you are having slow WiFi connection and someone is stealing your WiFi! Here is where WiFi thief detector: whos on my wifi. It is the best & most accurate POWERFUL tool to see whos on my network. It is very difficult to tell if someone is using your wifi.
Selairus International is the developer of this application that is listed among the Tools category. Over 100K users downloaded and installed the app and the most recent release was on Sep 28, 2020. On Google Play, WiFi Thief Detection has been rated 4.1 by its users.
There are ads in this application. Download the .apk setup package of WiFi Thief Detection 1.1.0 that is available for free and take a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The file size is 4 MB and the app is developed for Android 4.4 and higher. The app has been scanned for viruses and it has been found totally safe.