Indian Railway PNR Status - Will check the PNR status of the Passengers from the Android mobile. PNR stands for Passenger Name Record. Whenever you reserve ticket for a train journey, you will be given a Ten-digit number. This number is generated by taking into account of the name of the passenger, journey details, and the details of travel agent and the booking agent.
Get the free .apk file of Indian Railway PNR Status 4.6 GA and take a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. This installer requires 387 KB of disk space and it runs on Android devices 2.2 and higher. According to the antivirus report, the app is safe and secure. This application has been originally developed by ApptoneLabs and it is related to the Travel & Local category.
Over 50K users downloaded and installed the tool and its most recent release was on Mar 14, 2014. Google Play shows that Indian Railway PNR Status is rated 4 by its users. The app displays advertisements.
Samsung and Sony users highly appreciate this application.