Do you like videos? Do you wish to stream them fast in HD? If the answer to those questions are yes then why not give it a try to our new HD Video Browser a try! Flawless video streaming of videos which you may search to your heart's content.
According to the antivirus report, this application doesn't contain viruses or any kind of malware. The app has been originally created by United Studio Inc. and it is related to the Video Players & Editors category. The latest update of the tool was launched on Nov 21, 2015 and HD Video Browser was downloaded by over 10K users.
Users rated this application 3.5 on Google Play. Adverts are a part of the app. A free .apk installation package of HD Video Browser 1.3 can be downloaded from Droid Informer and you can take a look at users' reviews on this site. Prepare 2 MB of free space on your device for this app setup package and keep in mind that it works fine on Android 4.0.3 and above.
From the users' point of view, the distinct advantage of the app is an elegant UI.