Gokova Wind Pro presents live wind data like speed and direction directly from the center of the Kite/surfing beach spot (Gokova Kite Beach / Turkey). It also provides the user with information about temperature and air pressure. It also shows the max. Wind and temperature values per day and calculates the average value of the windspeed for the last 10 minutes.
The app is totally secure to download. Pixmech is the official developer of Gokova Wind Pro which can be found in the Weather category. The average user rating of the tool is 4.2.
Over 50 users installed this application and the most recent update was released on Apr 23, 2014. Download the setup package of Gokova Wind Pro 2.0 at no cost and check out users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app works flawlessly on Android 4.0 and higher.