GET various names captured in US! James, mary, john. Is my name among them? As time goes by, your capture power rises! Capture using this power! Fill albums with the captured pictures of American people! Once you've gathered various names, you get points and when you use those points UFO -kun's level goes up, so let's capture various names!
It's safe to download this application. The app is designed by RucKyGAMES and its category is Word Games. According to the latest info, UFO is rated 4.3 on Google Play.
The game has been downloaded and installed by over 0,5K users and the latest update was released on Dec 18, 2018. Advertisements are a part of this application. Download the installer of UFO 1.1.2 that is provided for free and take a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app is designed for Android 2.3.3 and higher.