Double Tap Screen On and Off

Double Tap Screen On and Off

3.3 MB
Requires Android:
4.2 and up
Sep 29, 2020

DoubleTap To Lock is an application help you double tap to Screen On/Screen Off. From Android 8. 0 the feature "Double tap to screen on" no longer works. Doubletap to Screen On. Doubletap to Screen Off only works on Home Screen and Lock Screen. This app uses Accessibility services.

It's free of charge to get the .apk setup package of Double Tap Screen On and Off and you can have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. This application installer requires 2 MB of free space to work fine on Android 4.2 and above. The app was scanned for viruses and it was found 100% secure. Kimcy929 is the developer of this application which is included in the Tools category.

Double Tap Screen On and Off was downloaded and set up by over 5M users and its latest stable update was on Sep 29, 2020. The overall user rating of the app is 4. This application shows adverts.

Users write reviews stating that Double Tap Screen On and Off has some important benefits, they are a good interface, good performance and useful features. Some users are of the opinion that you can find such disadvantages of the app as many ads, small bugs and a battery drain.


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