Sony Fourfold Fiscal Loss Sony Fourfold Fiscal Loss

Bad news for Sony lovers. The Tokyo-based company announced the fourfold fiscal forecast loss and the latest Xperia smartphones are to blame in impairment. The presumable sum has already been revised in the middle of summer and the results weren't as bright as everyone anticipated. They expect to lose about $ Sony emphasized "reducing risk, volatility and more stable profits" meaning security, practicalness and functionality instead of game plan. “This revision includes changing the strategy of the MC segment in certain geographical areas, concentrating on its premium lineup, and reducing the number of models in its mid-range lineup,” a company statement doc said.
The Japanese company anticipates new high-end smartphones Xperia Z3 and Xperia Z3 Compact to compensate for the loss because it's going to impress public with a bright flare and long battery life and live up to the latest sales predictions.
