Drupe Makes Communication Even Easier Drupe Makes Communication Even Easier

How many social apps you have on your smartphone? I mean those that you use regularly, as I have lots of these, but the most frequently launched are Skype, Facebook Messenger, Viber and Gmail. The creators of Drupe think that opening an app, finding and adding the desired contact is too tiresome and I can't but agree with them, as it may really take a lot of time to find the contact you need among all your relatives, friends and acquaintances. However, Drupe will save you a couple of swipes.

After installation, the app places an activation point to the upper-right corner of the screen. After you press the triple-dot sign, a list of your favorite contacts is displayed on the left with the list of social apps on the opposite side. All you need to do to send an SMS, contact a person via Facebook or e-mail is just drag and drop a contact icon to the icon with the corresponding app. The app list is easily customizable and there is also a search field to access the contacts that are not displayed on the favorites list. Drupe can be as well launched from your lockscreen or from any other app. Drupe also allows to contact a group of people at the same time. Check the video below to get a better image of how it works.

The app is currently available only for Android devices and is free for use. To download Drupe, just follow this link. Other social apps mentioned in this article can be found in Related Programs section.
