Check out the new TalkType keyboard app from Baidu Check out the new TalkType keyboard app from Baidu

I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one who hates texting because typing on my smartphone is a real pain. The keyboard's buttons are too small, so I constantly touch additional keys, not just the one that I want and even though this is a known issue, it seems nobody actually tried to fix things. Well, Baidu's Research department might have just done that with its newest keyboard app for Android, TalkType, which uses AI-powered technology to accurately transcript your texts.


I know what you're thinking: there are other apps that can write what you're dictating! Yes, there are, but TalkType is the first keyboard app to actually take a voice-centric approach, instead of being an application that also includes some voice-related functionality. TalkType uses Deep Speech, a powerful voice transcription engine to accurately understand what you're saying. Furthermore, the app also features machine learning capabilities, which means that the more you use it, the better it will understand you. Another cool thing is that the tool will adapt itself to your surroundings, so it will understand you even if you're in a noisy environment. Finally, TalkType will underline any word that it's not sure about, so you can quickly see any possible mistakes.

In case you prefer using alternative keyboards on your Android device, you might also want to read some of our other stories like: "The Google Keyboard app now lets you use customizable themes" or "SwiftKey launches Swiftmoji, the emoji-predicting keyboard".
